NABARD Assistant Manager Grade A- English Grammar notes

NABARD Assistant Manager Grade A- English Grammar notes

NABARD Assistant Manager Grade A- English Grammar notes

Hello Aspirants,

Parts of Speech:

English words are categorized into various parts of speech, including nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.

Nouns are words that represent people, places, things, or ideas.
They can be classified as common nouns (e.g., book, city) or proper nouns (e.g., John, Paris).

Pronouns are words used to replace nouns to avoid repetition.
Common pronouns include he, she, it, they, we, you, me, him, her, and us.

Verbs express actions, states, or occurrences.
They can be categorized as action verbs (e.g., run, write), linking verbs (e.g., be, seem), and helping verbs (e.g., can, will).

Adjectives modify nouns by providing more information about them.
They answer questions like “What kind?” or “How many?” (e.g., red car, three books).

Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs by providing information about how, when, where, or to what degree.
They often end in -ly (e.g., quickly, very).

Prepositions show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence.
Common prepositions include in, on, under, above, between, and beside.

Conjunctions are used to connect words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence.
Common conjunctions include and, but, or, so, and yet.

Interjections are short, exclamatory words or phrases that express strong emotions or reactions.
Examples include wow, oh, ouch, and hurray.
Sentence Structure:

Sentences in English typically follow a subject-verb-object (SVO) structure, where the subject performs an action on the object.
Sentences can also have different structures, including subject-verb (SV) and subject-verb-adjective (SVA).

English verbs can be conjugated into different tenses to indicate when an action occurred. Common tenses include present, past, and future.
Active and Passive Voice:

In active voice sentences, the subject performs the action (e.g., “She wrote the letter”).
In passive voice sentences, the subject receives the action (e.g., “The letter was written by her”).
Direct and Indirect Speech:

Direct speech reproduces a speaker’s exact words in quotation marks (e.g., She said, “I am coming.”).
Indirect speech reports what someone else said without using quotation marks (e.g., She said that she was coming.).

Punctuation marks, such as commas, periods, semicolons, colons, and question marks, help clarify meaning and structure in sentences.
Subject-Verb Agreement:

Verbs must agree in number with their subjects. Singular subjects take singular verbs, and plural subjects take plural verbs (e.g., She works vs. They work).

Modifiers, including adjectives and adverbs, provide additional information and must be correctly placed in a sentence to avoid ambiguity.
Conditional Sentences:

Conditional sentences express hypothetical situations and consist of an “if” clause (conditional clause) and a main clause (result clause) (e.g., If it rains, we will stay indoors).

Articles (a, an, the) are used to specify or limit nouns. “A” and “an” are indefinite articles, while “the” is a definite article.
Understanding and applying these fundamental grammar concepts is crucial for effective communication and writing in the English language. Mastery of grammar helps ensure clear and accurate expression.

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One Liner Related English Grammar Question Answer

Directions (1 – 5): Each of the following sentences is divided into four parts. Any of the parts may contain an error. Select the part that has an error. Select option (d), if you find no error in the sentence. Ignore punctuation errors if any.

1. My sisters-in-law (a)/ who live in Bangalore (b)/ have come to stay with us. (c)/ No error (d)

Answer: a)

2. A woman who always (a)/ connives on the mistakes (b)/ of her children is their worst enemy. (c)/ No error (d)

Answer: b)

3. As the celebration was going (a)/ we noticed Mrs. Sharma fall back (b)/ in her chair gasping for breath. (c)/ No error (d)

Answer: a)

4. Transporting goods by (a)/ air is cheaper (b)/ than land. (c)/ No error (d)

Answer: c)

5. She, you and I (a)/ will manage the (b)/ workflow together. (c)/ No error (d)

Answer: a)

Directions (6 – 10): Choose the option that completes the sentence most meaningfully and appropriately.

6. They recognize that problems that were too big to crack in the past can now be solved precisely because of _____________, algorithms and sensors.  

a)      Amortization

b)      Digitization

c)      Initialization

d)      Localization

Answer: b)

7. According to the last population ____________, globally India has the largest illiterate population.  

a)      Agreement

b)      Economy

c)      Census

d)      Consensus

Answer: c)

8. A transparent regulatory environment, clarity on applicability of existing tax Laws, less __________ by State and minimum restriction or regulation are the key takeaways from the Startup launch.

a)      Interference

b)      Aid

c)      Help

d)      Fund

Answer: a)

9. A Limited Liability Partnership, popularly known as LLP combines the advantages of both the Company and Partnership into a single form of organization and offers a ___________ structure.  

a)      Homogeneous

b)      Concentration

c)      Separated

d)      Hybrid

Answer: d)

10. The e-commerce market has grown exponentially and evolved as a leading source of the much needed foreign ___________ required by our economy.

a)      Institution

b)      Affair

c)      Investment

d)      Tourist

Answer: c)

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English Grammar Question Answer

Questions On Noun

A noun is a word used to identify the name of a person, place, animal or thing.

Example: Adele is an award-winning artist.

Here, the noun is Adele, which is the name of a person.

Identify the noun in the following sentences:
Q 1. I live in Amsterdam.

1. In
2. Live
3. Amsterdam
4. I

Answer: Amsterdam

Q 2. I visited the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

1. The
2. Paris
3. Eiffel Tower and Paris
4. Eiffel Tower

Answer: Eiffel Tower and Paris

Q 3. Bhutan is a beautiful country.

1. A
2. Country
3. Beautiful
4. Bhutan

Answer: Bhutan

Q 4. Summer is very hot.

1. Summer
2. Very
3. Hot
4. Is

Answer: Summer

Q 5. The moon looks so beautiful.

1. Looks
2. Moon
3. The
4. Beautiful

Answer: Moon

Q 6. The doctor is an expert in his field.

1. His
2. Expert
3. Field
4. Doctor

Answer: Doctor

Q 7. The mailman Mr. Joe was carrying postcards.

1. Mailman
2. Mr.Joe
3. Postcards
4. Mailman, Mr. Joe and postcards

Answer: Mailman, Mr. Joe and postcards

Q 8. Are these mangoes tasty?

1. Tasty
2. Are
3. These
4. Mangoes

Answer: Mangoes

Q 9. Hello Sophie! Will you play football with us as the climate is beautiful and the team is one player short?

1. Football
2. Sophie, football, climate, team, player
3. Team
4. Climate

Answer: Sophie, football, climate, team, player

Q 10. Mike’s birthday party at the Sheraton was a success.

1. Sheraton
2. Mike
3. Mike, party, Sheraton
4. Party

Answer: Mike, party, Sheraton

English Grammar Question Answer

Questions On Pronoun

A pronoun is a word used in the place of a noun in any sentence. These are used to avoid the repetitive usage of a noun in a sentence.

Example: Roger runs very fast. And Roger has won several competitions.

Roger runs very fast. And he has won several competitions.

Identify the pronoun in the following sentences:
Q 11. They were having dinner.

1. Dinner
2. They
3. Were
4. Having

Answer: They

Q 12. I want to sleep.

1. To
2. Sleep
3. I
4. Want

Answer: I

Q 13. Is that my laptop?

1. My
2. Laptop
3. Is
4. That

Answer: My

Q 14. Everyone is sleeping in the dorm room.

1. Sleeping
2. Dorm
3. Room
4. Everyone

Answer: Everyone

Q 15. We were playing scrabble.

1. Playing
2. Scrabble
3. We
4. Were

Answer: We

Q 16. Look at Ellen, she is a beautiful artist.

1. Beautiful
2. She
3. Ellen
4. Artist

Answer: She

Q 17. He is good at cricket.

1. At
2. Good
3. Cricket
4. He

Answer: He

Q 18. This house is mine.

1. This
2. House
3. Mine
4. Is

Answer: Mine

Q 19. Would you like to have coffee?

1. Coffee
2. Have
3. You
4. Would

Answer: You

Q 20. Did you hear that?

1. That
2. Did
3. You
4. Hear

Answer: That

English Grammar Question Answer

Questions On Verb
Image: iStock

The verb describes an action, occurrence or happening of an act.

Example: Adam is singing.

Here, singing is the verb, which denotes an act of doing something.

Identify the verb in the following sentences:
Q 21. The monkey sat by the door.

1. Monkey
2. By
3. Door
4. Sat

Answer: Sat

Q 22. Jack left in a hurry.

1. A
2. Hurry
3. Jack
4. Left

Answer: Left

Q 23. Michelle hurt her elbow while playing.

1. Hurt
2. Elbow
3. Michelle
4. Hurt, playing

Answer: Hurt, playing

Q 24. Please open the door.

1. Open
2. The
3. Please
4. Door

Answer: Open

Q 25. She bought a new car and started taking her driving lessons.

1. Started
2. New
3. Taking
4. Bought, started, taking

Answer: Bought, started, taking

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