Modern History Handwritten Notes in English pdf for Civil Services

Modern History Handwritten Notes in English pdf for Civil Services

Modern History Handwritten Notes in English pdf for Civil Services

Hello aspirants,

Modern History refers to the period of history that begins with the Renaissance and the Enlightenment in the 14th century and extends to the present day. This period is characterized by significant social, economic, political, and cultural changes that have had a profound impact on the world we live in today.

Some key events and themes in modern history include:

Renaissance and Reformation: These movements marked a shift in European society toward humanism, secularism, and individualism. They also led to significant changes in art, architecture, and literature.

Age of Exploration: This period saw the expansion of European empires through exploration and colonization of the Americas, Africa, and Asia.

Enlightenment: This was a period of intellectual and cultural development in Europe that emphasized reason, science, and individualism.

Industrial Revolution: This was a period of rapid industrialization and technological advancement that began in Britain in the late 18th century and spread throughout the world.

World Wars: These two global conflicts, which occurred in the 20th century, had a profound impact on the world and led to significant political, economic, and social changes.

Cold War: This was a period of geopolitical tension and competition between the United States and the Soviet Union that lasted from the end of World War II to the early 1990s.

Decolonization: This was a process of political, economic, and social change that saw former European colonies gain independence and establish their own governments.

Globalization: This is a process of increasing interconnectedness between countries and peoples around the world, particularly through the growth of trade, communication, and technology.

Overall, the study of modern history is essential for understanding the development of modern society and the significant events and movements that have shaped the world we live in today.

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Most Important Modern History Question Answer

Q . Which one of the following observations is not true about the Quit India Movement of 1942?(2011)

(a.) It was a non-violent movement

(b.) It was led by Mahatma Gandhi

(c.) It was a spontaneous movement

(d.) It did not attract the labour class in general

Solution (b)

Q . Which amongst the following provided a common factor for tribal insurrection in India in the 19th century?(2011)

(a.) Introduction of a new system of land revenue and taxation- of tribal products

(b.) Influence of foreign religious missionaries in tribal areas

(c.) Rise of a large number of money lenders, traders and revenue farmers as middlemen in tribal areas

(d.) The complete disruption of the old agrarian order of the tribal communities

Solution (d)

Q . The demand for the Tebhaga Peasant Movement in Bengal was for: (2013)

(a) the reduction of the share of the landlords from one-half of the crop to one-third

(b) the grant of ownership of land to peasants as they were the actual cultivators of the land

(c) the uprooting of Zamindari system and the end of serfdom

(d) writing off all peasant debts

Solution (a)

Q . Quit India Movement was launched in response to: (2013)

(a) Cabinet Mission Plan

(b) Cripps Proposals

(c) Simon Commission Report

(d) Wavell Plan

Solution (b)

Q . The people of India agitated against the arrival of Simon Commission because: (2013)

(a) Indians never wanted the review of the working of the Act of 1919

(b) Simon Commission recommended the abolition of Dyarchy (Diarchy) in the Provinces

(c) there was no Indian member in the Simon Commission

(d) the Simon Commission suggested the partition of the country

Solution (c)

Q . Mahatma Gandhi said that some of his deepest convictions were reflected in a book titled, “Unto this Last” and the book transformed his life. What was the message from the book that transformed Mahatma Gandhi?(2011)

(a.) Uplifting the oppressed and poor is the moral responsibility of an educated man

(b.) The good of individual is contained in the good of all

(c.) The life of celibacy and spiritual pursuit are essential for a noble life

(d.) All the statements (a), (b) and (c) are correct in this context

Solution (b)

Most Important Modern History Question Answer

Q . With reference to Indian freedom struggle, Usha Mehta is well-known for: (2011)

(a.) Running the secret Congress Radio in the wake of Quit India Movement

(b.) Participating in the Second Round Table Conference

(c.) Leading a contingent of Indian National Army

(d.) Assisting in the formation of Interim Government under Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

Solution (a)

Q . What was the reason for Mahatma Gandhi to organize a satyagraha on behalf of the peasants of Kheda?(2011)

The Administration did not suspend the land revenue collection in spite of a drought.
The Administration proposed to introduce Permanent Settlement in Gujarat.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a.) 1 only

(b.) 2 only

(c.) Both 1 and 2

(d.) Neither 1 nor 2

Solution (a)

Consider the following statements :(2012)

Q . The most effective contribution made by DadabhaiNaoroji to the cause of Indian National Movement was that he

exposed the economic exploitation of India by the British
interpreted the ancient Indian texts and restored the self-confidence of Indians
stressed the need for eradication of all the social evils before anything else
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 1 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Solution (a)

Q . Which of the following parties were established by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar?(2012)

The Peasants and Workers Party of India
All India Scheduled Castes Federation
The Independent Labour Party
Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 1 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Solution (b)

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Most Important Modern History Question Answer

Q . Mahatma Gandhi undertook fast unto death in 1932, mainly because: (2012)

(a) Round Table Conference failed to satisfy Indian political aspirations

(b) Congress and Muslim League had differences of opinion

(c) Ramsay Macdonald announced the Communal Award

(d) None of the statements (a), (b) and (c) given above is correct in this context

Solution (c)

Annie Besant was: (2013)

Q . responsible for starting the Home Rule Movement the founder of the Theo-sophical Society once the President of the Indian National Congress
Select the correct statement/statements using the codes given below.

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 1 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Solution (c)

Colonial Rule in India – Political-Administrative organization, social, economic setup like Agrarian Systems, policies of the British India, socio-religious reform movements

Q . The tendency for increased litigation was visible after the introduction of the land settlement system of Lord Cornwallis in 1793. The reason for this is normally traced to which of the following provisions? (2011)

(a.) Making Zamindar’s position stronger vis-a-vis the ryot

(b.)Making East India Company an overlord of Zamindars

(c.) Making judicial system more efficient

(d.)None of the (a), (b) and (c) above

Solution (d)

Q . Which of the above was/were introduced into India by the English?

(a) 1 only

(b) 1 and 2

(c) 2 and 3

(d) None

Solution (d)

Q . The Ilbert Bill controversy was related to the: (2013)

(a) imposition restrictions the Indians of certain to carry arms by Indians

(b) imposition of restrictions on newspapers and magazines published in Indian languages

(c) removal of disqualifications imposed on the Indian magistrates with regard to the trial of the Europeans

(d) removal of a duty on imported cotton cloth

Solution (c)

Q . With reference to the period of colonial rule in India, “Home Charges” formed an important part of drain of wealth from India. Which of the following funds constituted “Home Charges”?(2011)

Funds used to support the India Office in London.
Funds used to pay salaries and pensions of British personnel engaged in India.
Funds used for waging wars outside India by the British.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

(a.) 1 only

(b.) 1 and 2 only

(c.) 2 and 3 only

(d.) 1, 2 and 3

Solution (b)

Q . What was the purpose with which Sir William Wedder burn and W. S. Caine had set up the Indian Parliamentary Committee in 1893?(2011)

(a.) To agitate for Indian political reforms in the House of Commons

(b.) To campaign for. the entry of Indians into the Imperial Judiciary

(c.) To facilitate a discussion on India’s Independence in the British Parliament

(d.) To agitate for the entry of eminent Indians into the British Parliament

Solution (a)

Q . The Rowlatt Act aimed at: (2012)

(a) compulsory economic support to war efforts

(b) imprisonment without trial and summary procedures for trial

(c) suppression of the Khilafat Movement

(d) imposition of restrictions on freedom of the press


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Author: Deep