Junior Accountant- English-Grammar Notes PDF

Junior Accountant- English-Grammar Notes PDF

Junior Accountant- English-Grammar Notes PDF

Hello Aspirants,

Parts of Speech:

Nouns: Names of people, places, things, or ideas.
Verbs: Express actions or states of being.
Adjectives: Describe or modify nouns.
Adverbs: Modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.
Pronouns: Replace nouns to avoid repetition.
Prepositions: Indicate relationships between words in a sentence.
Conjunctions: Join words, phrases, or clauses.
Interjections: Express strong emotions and stand alone.
Sentence Structure:

Sentences are composed of a subject (who or what the sentence is about) and a predicate (what the subject does or is).
A sentence can be simple, compound (combining two independent clauses), or complex (with one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses).

Present: Expresses actions happening now.
Past: Indicates actions completed in the past.
Future: Indicates actions that will happen in the future.
Each tense has simple, continuous, perfect, and perfect continuous forms.
Active and Passive Voice:

Active voice: The subject performs the action.
Passive voice: The subject receives the action.
Modal Verbs:

Modal verbs (can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must) indicate possibility, necessity, or permission.
Subject-Verb Agreement:

The verb must agree in number (singular or plural) with the subject of the sentence.

Definite article (the) refers to specific nouns.
Indefinite articles (a, an) refer to non-specific nouns.

Comma (,): Separates items in a list, introduces clauses, and more.
Period (.) / Full Stop: Marks the end of a sentence.
Question Mark (?): Ends direct questions.
Exclamation Mark (!): Indicates strong emotions or exclamatory sentences.
Apostrophe (‘): Shows possession or contraction.
Quotation Marks (” “): Enclose direct speech or quotations.
Relative Clauses:

Provide additional information about a noun in a sentence.
Use relative pronouns (who, whom, whose, which, that) to introduce them.
Conditional Sentences:

Express hypothetical situations using conditional clauses (if clauses) with different verb tenses.
Direct and Indirect Speech:

Direct speech: Quoting someone’s words verbatim.
Indirect speech: Reporting someone’s words using appropriate reporting verbs and tense changes.
Comparatives and Superlatives:

Comparatives compare two things, while superlatives express the highest degree of comparison.

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Important  English Grammar Question & Answer

Synonyms and Antonyms

Direction: In the following question (1-2), find the synonym of the given word?

1. Hound
a. Migrate
b. Beagle
c. Critic
d. Variable
Ans.:- (b.)

2. Barrier
a. Comfort
b. Justify
c. Prescribe
d. Embargo
Ans.: (d.)

3. Find out the word opposite the meaning of the given word?
a. Confront
b. Contour
c. Vista
d. Outlook

Ans.: (c.)

Cloze Test

Direction (Question 4- 8): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.

Job performance is ______ by a number of factors. Motivation alone does not lead to increased performance. Ability and technology moderates the relationship between motivation and performance. The higher the levels of ability and motivation the ______ the level of performance will be. However, increasing motivation beyond an ______ level tends to ______ a dysfunctional result because it is ______ by an increased level of anxiety.

4. Job performance is ______ by a number of factors. Motivation alone.
a. Affected
b. Effected
c. Influenced
d. Measured
Ans.:- (a.)

5. The higher the levels of ability and motivation the ______ the level of performance will be.
a. Higher
b. Smaller
c. Larger
d. Lower
Ans.:- (a.)

6. However, increasing motivation beyond an ______ level.
a. Increased
b. Certain
c. Desired
d. Optimal
Ans.:- (d.)

7. tends to ______ a dysfunctional result.
a. Introduce
b. Induce
c. Deduce
d. Produce
Ans.:- (d.)

8. Because it is ______ by an increased level of anxiety.
a. Accompanied
b. Affiliated
c. Amalgamated
d. Abandoned
Ans.:- (a.)

Direction (Question 9- 13): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.

The _____ of energy in India are met from both commercial and non-commercial sources. The most _____ sources of energy today are coal and natural gas, hydro-electricity and nuclear power. On the other hand, firewood, cow-dung cakes and vegetable waste, etc. _____ non-commercial forms of energy. While non-commercial forms of energy _____ demand, coal is the _____ source of commercial energy in India.
9. The _____ of energy in India are met from both commercial.
a. Availability
b. Sources
c. Lessen
d. Requirements
Ans.:- (d.)

10. The most _____ sources of energy today are coal and natural gas.
a. Important
b. Extensive
c. Vital
d. Insignificant
Ans.:- (a.)

11. On the other hand, firewood, cow-dung cakes and vegetable waste etc. _____ non-commercial forms of energy.
a. Combines
b. Mixes
c. Collaborates
d. Constitutes
Ans.:- (d.)

12. While non-commercial forms of energy _____ demand,
a. Rests
b. Meet
c. Need
d. Shed
Ans.:- (b.)

13. Coal is the _____ source of commercial energy in India.
a. Hardest
b. Smallest
c. Heaviest
d. Largest
Ans.:- (d.)

Direction (Question 14- 16): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.

Literature is a medium through which a person conveys his ideas towards or protest against different norms of society. The words that deal with a _____ issue are of particular importance in literature. They are _____ with a particular purpose in _____.

14. The words that deal with a _____ issue
a. Moral
b. Insensitive
c. Economical
d. Broad
Ans.:- (a.)

15. They are _____ with a particular purpose
a. Written
b. Represented
c. Brought
d. Founded
Ans.:- (a.)

16. a particular purpose in _____.
a. All
b. Hand
c. Mind
d. Total
Ans.:- (c.)

Spelling Test

Direction (Question 17-19): Four words are given, out of which only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word.

a. Ajournment
b. Ajornment
c. Adjournment
d. Adjournent
Ans.:- (c.)

a. Conniosseur
b. Connoisseur
c. Connossieur
d. Connosseiur
Ans.:- (b.)

a. Inkulcate
b. Debilitate
c. Impecable
d. Harrass
Ans.:- (b.)

Idioms and Phrases

Direction (Questions 20-24): In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.

20. A wild goose chase
a. Timely search
b. Wrong decision
c. Useless search
d. Fruitful search
Ans.:- (c.)

21. A moot point
a. Unclear
b. Unknown
c. Agreeable
d. Disputed
Ans.:- (d.)

22. Cat-nap
a. Fitful sleep
b. Long sleep
c. Short sleep
d. Rest
Ans.:- (c.)

23. To pull a long face
a. Looked sad
b. Looked calm
c. Looked surprised
d. Looked happily
Ans.:- (a.)

24. Fit her like a glove.
a. Too large
b. Too shabby
c. Too tight
d. Perfectly
Ans.:- (d.)

One-Word Substitution

Direction (Question 25-31): In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.

25. One who is not easily pleased by anything
a. gullible
b. fastidious
c. innocent
d. amenable
Ans.:- (b.)

26. A person unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others.
a. egoist
b. unselfish
c. altruist
d. welfarist
Ans.:- (c.)

27. Violation of that which is holy and sacred
a. malevolent
b. sacrilege
c. bizarre
d. iniquitous
Ans.:- (b.)

28. Misappropriation of money
a. Abridgement
b. Condiment
c. Embezzlement
d. Bereavement
Ans.:- (c.)

29. One who has the art of speaking in such a way that the sound seems to come from another person/place.
a. Absolutist
b. Biblicist
c. Ventriloquist
d. Clavierist
Ans.:- (c.)

30. One who damages public property
a. Cynosure
b. Demagogue
c. Epicure
d. Vandal
Ans.:- (d.)

31. To free somebody from all blame
a. Highbrow
b. Exonerate
c. Escapism
d. Henpeck
Ans.:- (b.)

Sentence Correction / Error Spotting

Direction (Question 32- 41): In the following questions, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error.

32. Some of the richest (A) / business magnates (B) / live in Mumbai. (C) / No Error (D)
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
Ans.:- (b.)

33. This is an urgent (A) / matter which may admit (B) / of few delays. (C) / No error (D)
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
Ans.:- (c.)

34. Outside, the rain beats down (A) / in floods and the sea gives forth (B) / a sound like an alarm bells. (C) / No error (D)
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
Ans.:- (c.)

35. I used (A)/ a pair of black trousers (B) / for a week (C)/ No error (D)
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
Ans.:- (a.)

36. He has made a mistake (A)/ of which (B) / I am certain (C) / No error (D)
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
Ans.:- (d.)

37. He was not allowed (A) / for the teacher (B) / to read in a low voice (C) / no error (D)
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
Ans.:- (b.)

38. Each of the girls (A) / has come (B) / with her books. (C) / No Error (D)
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
Ans.:- (b.)

39. Me and my wife (A) / were at home (B) / last night. (C) / No Error (D)
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
Ans.:- (a.)

40. Essay writing is an art (A) / that requires much planning (B) / on the part of the writer. (C) / No Error (D)
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
Ans.:- (b.)

41. If you permit me to speak the truth (A) / I shall state without hesitation (B) / that you have done a mistake (C) / No Error (D)
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
Ans.:- (c.)

Sentence Improvement

Direction (Question 42- 52): A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative.

42. He began a new business venture.
a. Begun
b. Opened
c. Embarked
d. No improvement
Ans.:- (c.)

43. I have to say them the truth.
a. State
b. Tell
c. Speak
d. No improvement
Ans.:- (b.)

44. The SSB will interview the candidate between 11 a.m. and 3.00 p.m.
a. 11.00 am to 3 pm
b. 11.00 from 3 pm
c. 11. am by 3.00 pm
d. No improvement
Ans.:- (d.)

45. As soon as I arrived home, I knew that something was wrong.
a. Arrived by home
b. Arrived home
c. Arrived at my home
d. No improvement
Ans.:- (b.)

46. His powerful desire brought about his downfall.
a. His wishful desire
b. His eager desire
c. His desire for power
d. No improvement
Ans.:- (c.)

47. Ramesh lay in the shade of a tree before he could walk further.
a. Lain
b. Lay
c. Lied
d. No improvement
Ans.:- (b.)

48. An education in handling money would imply the ability to oversee the consequences of overspending or over-borrowing.
a. Foresee
b. Overvalue
c. Overlook
d. No improvement
Ans.:- (a.)

49. He started at the bottom rung of the ladder and then gained success.
a. Lower rung of the ladder
b. The lower rung of the stair
c. The bottom rung of the stair
d. No improvement
Ans.:- (d.)

50. The judge gave the verdict against the Government.
a. Declared
b. Pronounced
c. Sentenced
d. No improvement
Ans.:- (b.)

51. The fire service personnel put off the fire with much difficulty.
a. Put away
b. Put on
c. Put out
d. No improvement
Ans.:- (c.)

52. He has the irritating habit of playing his own trumpet all the time.
a. blowing his own trumpet
b. pumping his own trumpet
c. bringing up his own trumpet
d. No improvement
Ans.:- (a.)

Fill in the Blanks

Direction (Question 53-54): In the following questions, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

53. My sister’s marriage passed _____ peacefully.
a. away
b. by
c. off
d. out
Ans.:- (c.)

54. Health is too important to be ___________.
a. discarded
b. disposed of
c. neglected
d. detested
Ans.:- (c.)

Active and Passive Voice

Direction (Questions 55- 64): In the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive voice.

55. You have to finish painting this fence by Friday.
a. This fence has to be finished painting by you by Friday.
b. This fence is to be finished painted by you by Friday.
c. Painting of this fence has to be painted by you by Friday.
d. By Friday you will have finished painting the fence.
Ans.:- (a.)

56. The dealer will service the scooter for free the first three times.
a. The scooter will be serviced for free by the dealer for the first three times.
b. The scooter was serviced for free by the dealer for the first three times.
c. For the first three times, the dealer will service the scooter for free.
d. Servicing of the scooter for free will be done by the dealer for the first three times.
Ans.:- (a.)

57. The General presented us with a detailed battle plan.
a. A detailed battle plan will be presented to us by the General.
b. The General presents us with a detailed battle plan.
c. A detailed battle plan was presented to us by the General.
d. Presenting of a detailed battle plan was being done by the General to us.
Ans.:- (c.)

58. The doctor has given me a very painful injection
a. A very painful injection has been given to me by the doctor.
b. The doctor gives me a very painful injection.
c. A very painful injection is being given to me by the doctor.
d. Giving a painful injection to me has been done by the doctor.
Ans.:- (c.)

59. The speeding car knocked down the pedestrian.
a. The car which was speeding knocked down the pedestrian.
b. The pedestrian was knocked down by the speeding car.
c. The pedestrian was being knocked down by the car which was speeding.
d. Knocking down of the pedestrian has been done by the speeding car.
Ans.:- (b.)

60. To pass, the candidate has to answer at least 3 questions correctly.
a. If the candidate answers three questions correctly then he will pass.
b. At least three questions will be answered correctly by the candidate to pass.
c. At least three questions have to be answered correctly by the candidate to pass.
d. Answering three questions correctly the candidate has to be done to pass.
Ans.:- (c.)

61. This is the second time I have caught you cheating.
a. You have been caught cheating by me for the second time.
b. You were cheating for a second time and I have caught you.
c. This is the second time you have cheated and were caught by me.
d. Catching you cheating for the second time has been done by me.
Ans.:- (a.)

62. Have you created this beautiful artwork?
a. Had you been creating this beautiful artwork?
b. Had you created this beautiful artwork?
c. Has this beautiful artwork been created by you?
d. Has creating this beautiful artwork been done by you?
Ans.:- (c.)

63. I play football with my friends on that ground.
a. I have played football with friends of mine at that ground.
b. On that ground I played football with my friends.
c. Football is played by me with my friends on that ground.
d. Playing football has been done by me and my friends.
Ans.:- (c.)

64. He never forgets to get gifts for me.
a. Forgetting gifts for me has never been done by him.
b. He will never ever forget to get gifts for me.
c. Forget to get gifts for me is never done by him.
d. Getting gifts for me is never forgotten by him.
Ans.:- (d.)

Direct and Indirect Speech

Direction (Question 65- 76): In the following question, a sentence has been given in Direct speech. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Indirect speech.

65. Rakesh says, “Can you prepare a cup of tea for me, Sunita?”
a. Rakesh tells Sunita to prepare a cup of tea for him.
b. Rakesh tells Sunita if she could prepare a cup of tea for him.
c. Rakesh asked Sunita if she can prepare a cup of tea for him.
d. Rakesh asks Sunita if she can prepare a cup of tea for him.
Ans.:- (d.)

66. The Prime Minister said at a meeting, “There is no need for a working President for the party now.”
a. The Prime Minister told a meeting that there was no need for a working President for the party now.
b. The Prime Minister said at a meeting that there was no need for a working president for the party then.
c. The Prime Minister told a meeting that there was no need for a working President then.
d. The Prime Minister addressed a meeting that there was no need for a working President for the party then.
Ans.:- (b.)

67. Anil said, “Ali deserved the prize.”
a. Anil says that Ali deserves the prize.
b. Anil said that Ali deserves the prize.
c. Anil said that Ali has deserved the prize.
d. Anil said that Ali deserved the prize.
Ans.:- (d.)

68. They said, “We play cricket every Sunday here at the club.”
a. They said that they played cricket every Sunday here at the club.
b. They said that they played cricket every Sunday there at the club.
c. They said that they play cricket every Sunday there at the club.
d. They said that they play cricket every Sunday here at the club.
Ans.:- (b.)

69. She said, “I love my grandparents thus I take good care of them.”
a. She says that she loved her grandparents and thus she took good care of them.
b. She said that she loves her grandparents so she took good care of them.
c. She said that she loves her grandparents thus she took good care of them.
d. She said that she loved her grandparents so she took good care of them.
Ans.:- (d.)

70. Juhi said to her friend, “I can choose to live the way I want to.”
a. Juhi told her friend that she can choose to live the way she want to.
b. Juhi told her friend that she could be choosing to live the way she wants to.
c. Juhi told her friend that she chooses to live the way she wanted to.
d. Juhi told her friend that she could choose to live the way she wanted to.
Ans.:- (d.)

71. The pilgrim said to me, “When you go down the street you will see the temple to your right.”
a. The pilgrim tells me that when I go down the street I will see the temple to my right.
b. The pilgrim told me that when I went down the street I would see the temple to my right.
c. The pilgrim told me that when I go down the street I would see the temple to my right.
d. The pilgrim tells me that when I would be going down the street I will be seeing the temple to my right.
Ans.:- (b.)

72. The boss said to the secretary, “Bring the file that I had given to you yesterday.”
a. The boss told the secretary to bring the file that I had given to her the day before.
b. The boss told his secretary to bring the file that he gave her yesterday.
c. The boss told the secretary to bring the file that he had given to her the day before.
d. The boss had told the secretary to bring the file that he had given to her yesterday.
Ans.:- (c.)

73. “I always drink warm water in the morning,” she said to me.
a. She said to me that she always drinks warm water in the morning.
b. She said to me she always drank warm water in the morning.
c. She said to me she always drinks warm water in the morning.
d. She said to me that she always drank warm water in the morning.
Ans.:- (d.)

74. She said to me, “I always drink a cup of green tea as soon as I get up.”
a. She told me that she always drank a cup of green tea as soon as she got up.
b. She told me that she always drank a cup of green tea as soon as she got up.
c. She had told me that she always drinks a cup of green tea as soon as she got up.
d. She told me that she always drank a cup of green tea as soon as she would be getting up.
Ans.:- (a.)

75. “Where are you going?” father asked me.
a. Father asked me where I am going.
b. Father asked me where you are going.
c. Father asked me where I would be going.
d. Father asked me where I was going.
Ans.:- (d.)

76. The beggar said to me, “Please give me something to eat.”
a. The beggar requested me to give him something to eat.
b. The beggar requests me to give him something to eat.
c. The beggar requested me to have given him something to eat.
d. The beggar requests me to give him something to be eaten.
Ans.:- (d.)

Reading Comprehension

Direction (Questions 77- 81): Read the passage carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the given four alternatives.

The conclusion of the World Trade Organization’s 11th biennial ministerial conference at Buenos Aires was worrisome. From an Indian standpoint, there was no loss as the status quo continues in the most important issue: the right to continue the food security program by using support prices. But the inability of the negotiators to reach even one substantive outcome suggests that WTO’s efficacy is under question. As a 164-country multilateral organization dedicated to crafting rules of trade through consensus, WTO represents the optimal bet for developing countries such as India. Strengthening WTO is in India’s best interest.
Perhaps the biggest threat to WTO’s efficacy today is the attitude of the US. The world’s largest economy appears to have lost faith in the organization and has begun to undermine one of its most successful segments, the dispute redressal mechanism. This is significant as the US has been directly involved in nearly half of all cases brought to WTO. Separately, large groups of countries decided to pursue negotiations on e-commerce, investment facilitation, and removal of trade obstacles for medium and small-scale industries. By itself, this should not weaken WTO. But it comes at a time when there is growing frustration with gridlock at WTO.
India did well to defend its position on its food security program. The envisaged reform package which will see a greater use of direct cash transfers to beneficiaries will be in sync with what developed countries do. But it’s important for India to enhance its efforts to reinvigorate WTO. In this context, India’s plan to organize a meeting of some countries early next year is a step in the right direction. WTO represents the best available platform to accommodate the interests of a diverse set of nations. Therefore, India should be at the forefront of moves to fortify it.

77. Why was the WTO’s 11th biennial ministerial conference worrisome?
a. Denial of status quo.
b. Inability of negotiators to reach the substantive outcome for the problems.
c. Rift in the policies suggested by WTO on IPR.
d. Non-cooperation from the Indian government on various matters.
Ans.:- (b.)

78. What is the biggest threat to WTO’s efficacy today?
a. India is not working in its best interest.
b. Lost faith in WTO by the US.
c. Negotiators of WTO are not decision-takers.
d. WTO’s lame attitude towards global trade.
Ans.:- (b.)

79. Which of the following nation is keen to fortify its interest on the WTO platform?
a. USA
b. Japan
c. Russia
d. India
Ans.:- (d.)

80. Which of the following is the most successful segment of the WTO mentioned in the passage?
a. Dispute redressal mechanism
b. Intellectual Property Rights
c. Reviewer of government’s trade policies.
d. Agreement on trade in services.
Ans.:- (a.)

81. According to the passage, which of the following statement is NOT true?
a. 11th WTO conference was held in Nairobi.
b. India’s take on the food security program in the WTO conference was positive.
c. the US is termed the world’s largest economy.
d. US is involved directly in half of the cases brought to the WTO
Ans.:- (a.)

Direction (Questions 82- 86): Read the passage carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the given four alternatives.

Transactional Analysis has the triangle of PAC. P means parent, A means adult, C means child. These are your three layers as if you are a three-storied building. The first floor is that of the child, the second floor is that of the parent, the third floor is that of the adult. All three exist together. This is your inner triangle and conflict. Your child says one thing, your parent says something else, and your adult, rational mind says something else. The child says ‘enjoy’. For the child, this moment is the only moment; he has no other considerations. The child is spontaneous but unaware of the consequences — unaware of the past, unaware of the future. He lives in the moment. He enjoys — but his enjoyment is not creative, cannot be creative. He delights — but life cannot be lived only through delight.
You cannot remain a child forever. You will have to learn many things because you are not alone here…The child has to be disciplined — and that’s where the parent comes in. The parental voice in you is the voice of the society, culture, and civilization; the voice that makes you capable of living in a world where you are not alone —where there are many individuals with conflicting ambitions, where there is much struggle for survival, where there is much conflict. The parental voice is that of caution. It makes you civilized. The word ‘civil’ is good. It means one who has become capable of living in a city, who has become capable of being a member of a group, of a society. It is needed. And then there is the third voice within you, the third layer when you have become an adult and you are no longer controlled by your parents; your own reason has come of age, and you can think on your own. And these three layers are continuously fighting. The child says one thing, the parent says just the opposite, and the reason may say something totally different. There is no necessity that your adult mind agrees with your parents.
Many times you find them very dogmatic, superstitious, and believing in foolish things, irrational ideologies. Your parent says do it, your adult says it is not worth doing, and your child goes on pulling you somewhere else. This is the triangle within you.

82. Whom do we find dogmatic many times?
a. Parent
b. Child
c. Adult
d. All of these
Ans.:- (d.)

83. What is the triangle within us?
a. We are like a three-storied building where the first floor is of the child, the second floor is that of the parent and the third floor is that of the adult.
b. The child is spontaneous, the parental voice is that of caution and the adult has himself come of an age.
c. Whenever you want to do something-your parent says do it, your adult says it is not worth doing and your child goes on pulling somewhere else.
d. Our parent makes us sensible, our adult makes us rational and disciplined and one child makes us carefree.
Ans.:- (c.)

84. Why you cannot remain a child forever?
a. Because you are not alone here.
b. Because you have to become a parent
c. Because you have to be disciplined.
d. Because you have to become capable of living in the city
Ans.:- (a.)

85. What happens when you become an adult?
a. Being an adult gives us a vision and a mission.
b. Being an adult we are no longer controlled by our parents.
c. Being an adult the child inside you gets lost somewhere
d. Being an adult gives you the strength to fight against all odds.
Ans.:- (b.)

86. According to the passage, you are not capable of being a member of a group, of a society until you become ______.
a. Parent
b. Civil
c. Dogmatic
d. Auditions
Ans.:- (b.)

Direction (Questions 87- 90): Read the passage carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the given four alternatives.

True, it is the function of the army to maintain law and order in abnormal times. But in normal times there is another force that compels citizens to obey the laws and to act with due regard to the rights of others. The force also protects the lives and the properties of law-abiding men. Laws are made to secure the personal safety of its subjects and to prevent murder and crimes of violence. They are made to secure the property of the citizens against theft and damage to protect the rights of communities and castes to carry out their customs and ceremonies, so long as they do not conflict with the rights of others. Now the good citizen, of his own free will
obeys these laws and he takes care that everything he does is done with due regard to the rights and well-being of others. But the bad citizen is only restrained from breaking these laws by fear of the consequence of his actions. And the necessary steps to compel the bad citizen to act as a good citizen are taken by this force. The supreme control of law and order in a State is in the hands of a Minister who is responsible to the State Assembly and acts through the Inspector General of Police.

87. The expression ‘customs and ceremonies’ means:
a. Fairs and festivals
b. Habits and traditions
c. Usual practices and religious rites
d. Superstitions and formalities
Ans.:- (b.)

8 myths about SSC exams preparation are finally busted

88. According to the writer, which one of the following is not the responsibility of the police?
a. To protect the privilege of all the citizens.
b. To check violent activities of citizens.
c. To ensure peace among citizens by safeguarding individual rights.
d. To maintain peace during extraordinary circumstances.
Ans.:- (c.)

89. “They are made to secure the property of citizens against theft and damage” means that the law:
a. Helps in recovering the stolen property of the citizens.
b. Assists citizens whose property has been stolen or destroyed.
c. Initiate process against offenders of law.
d. Safeguards people possessions against being stolen or lost.
Ans.:- (d.)

90. The last sentence of the passage implies that:-
a. The Inspector General of Police is the sole authority in matters of Law and order.
b. In every state, maintenance of public peace is under the overall control of the responsible minister.
c. The State Assembly exercises direct authority in matters pertaining to law and order.
d. The Inspector General of Police is responsible to the State Assembly for maintaining Law and order.
Ans.:- (d.)


Direction (Question 91-100): In the following question the first and the last part of the sentence/passage are given. The rest of the sentence/ passage is split into four parts and named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentence/passage and find out which of the four combinations is correct.

91. Some animals like fishes lay eggs and leave them.
P. The mother does not care for the eggs at all.
Q. They lay thousands of eggs at a time but do not look after them.
R. Most of the eggs die and only a few of them develop into fishes.
S. She simply leaves the eggs and never comes back to them.
Is this not something terrible? Yet, it is a fact.
Ans.:- (a.)

92. Why should I tell you again and again?
P. They know what they have to do.
Q. Don’t you know your duties?
R. Only you require to be told.
S. Other students need not be told.
I will not tolerate this anymore.
Ans.:- (a.)

93. Marine biology is the study of organisms in the ocean.
P. At a fundamental level, marine life helps determine the very nature of our planet.
Q. Marine life is a vast resource.
R. Shorelines are also shaped and protected by marine life.
S. Marine organisms contribute significantly to the oxygen cycle.
Marine biology covers a great deal, from the microscopic to the huge whales.
Ans.:- (b.)

94. Prices of food products are going up.
P. Seven straight weeks of rising prices have burnt holes in common man’s pockets.
Q. But it ruled out any “blind control” to rein in the increasing rates.
R. Wholesale price-based inflation has already touched over a three-year high.
S. The government has admitted that containing inflation would be a more difficult task.
This may hurt economic growth and reforms.
Ans.:- (c.)

95. By 1 pm, the producers were ready and the show time sirens wailed.
P. He was wearing a skullcap and sported his now signature long beard.
Q. Jamshed was to pre-record episodes of ALIF LAAM MEEM, a 2011 Islamicised version of WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE for Geo TV.
R. Junaid Jamshed made his entrance, standing tall in a kurta.
S. We were at International Studios in Karachi.
Geo TV is one of Pakistan’s biggest TV networks.
Ans.:- (b.)

96. Little indeed is known of the origin of English literature.
P. This has not prevented some scholars from writing their “lives” from hints in the texts themselves.
Q. So far as poets are concerned, again, little or nothing is known beyond the names of two of them.
R. We can be certain that poetry made its appearance long before the first prose was written down.
S. Critics have also relied on scanty contemporary references, and also a mass of conjecture that cannot be described as intelligent.
Not with-standing the mists, old English literature have an amazing richness.
Ans.:- (d.)

97. Rohit went to the airport to see off his friend.
P. He explained that he had lost his bag in the crowd.
Q. Rohit asked him why he was worried and anxious.
R. Just then, a policeman was seen with a teenager who had a bag in his hands.
S. The friend appeared worried and anxious about something.
They told the policeman about their lost bag & claimed it.
Ans.:- (d.)

98. The king was distressed because his people were lazy.
P. All cursed the stone and blamed the Government.
Q. Then the king had the stone removed.
R. Next day people passed by and went around it.
S. He had a big stone put in the middle of the road one night.
Under the stone, the king had placed a purse full of money.
Ans.:- (b.)

99. The recipe for making white sauce is very simple.
P. Stir the mixture of maida and butter constantly.
Q. Put one tablespoon of fine flour (maida) when the butter gets heated.
R. Heat one tablespoon of butter in a pan.
S. Add one cup of milk to the mixture and cook for one minute.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
Ans.:- (d.)

100. “As a matter of fact”, said the boy modestly, “I’m a spaceman.”
P. “You can’t see it from here.”
Q. ‘From another planet.’
R. ‘I’m a spaceman’, he said again.
S. John and George stared at the boy.
John gasped, and George gave a shout of laughter.
And.:- (d.)

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Author: Deep