English Grammar handwritten notes pdf for Army TGC

English Grammar handwritten notes pdf for Army TGC

English Grammar handwritten notes pdf for Army TGC

Hello friends,

English grammar refers to the set of rules and principles that govern the structure and usage of the English language. These rules cover everything from word formation and sentence structure to the proper use of punctuation and spelling.

Some key aspects of English grammar include:

Parts of speech: There are eight basic parts of speech in English, including nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Each part of speech has its own role in creating meaning within a sentence.

Sentence structure: English sentences typically follow a subject-verb-object order, although there are many variations and exceptions to this rule. Sentences can also be classified based on their structure, including simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences, and compound-complex sentences.

Verb tense and mood: Verbs in English have different tenses, such as present, past, and future, which indicate when an action took place. Verbs can also have different moods, such as indicative, subjunctive, and imperative, which indicate the speaker’s attitude towards the action.

Articles and determiners: English has two types of articles, “a” and “the,” which are used to indicate whether a noun is specific or nonspecific. Determiners are similar to articles and are used to provide additional information about a noun, such as its quantity or possession.

Punctuation: English punctuation marks, such as periods, commas, and semicolons, are used to clarify meaning, indicate pauses or breaks in speech, and create emphasis.

It is important to have a solid understanding of English grammar in order to communicate effectively in both written and spoken forms. There are many resources available for learning English grammar, including textbooks, online courses, and language exchange programs. With practice and dedication, anyone can improve their English grammar skills and become a confident communicator in English.

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Most Important English Grammar Question Answer

Directions (1 – 5): Each of the following sentences is divided into four parts. Any of the parts may contain an error. Select the part that has an error. Select option (d), if you find no error in the sentence. Ignore punctuation errors if any.

1. My sisters-in-law (a)/ who live in Bangalore (b)/ have come to stay with us. (c)/ No error (d)

Answer: a)

2. A woman who always (a)/ connives on the mistakes (b)/ of her children is their worst enemy. (c)/ No error (d)

Answer: b)

3. As the celebration was going (a)/ we noticed Mrs. Sharma fall back (b)/ in her chair gasping for breath. (c)/ No error (d)

Answer: a)

4. Transporting goods by (a)/ air is cheaper (b)/ than land. (c)/ No error (d)

Answer: c)

5. She, you and I (a)/ will manage the (b)/ workflow together. (c)/ No error (d)

Answer: a)

Directions (6 – 10): Choose the option that completes the sentence most meaningfully and appropriately.

6. They recognize that problems that were too big to crack in the past can now be solved precisely because of _____________, algorithms and sensors.

a)      Amortization

b)      Digitization

c)      Initialization

d)      Localization

Answer: b)

7. According to the last population ____________, globally India has the largest illiterate population.

a)      Agreement

b)      Economy

c)      Census

d)      Consensus

Answer: c)

8. A transparent regulatory environment, clarity on applicability of existing tax Laws, less __________ by State and minimum restriction or regulation are the key takeaways from the Startup launch.

a)      Interference

b)      Aid

c)      Help

d)      Fund

Answer: a)

9. A Limited Liability Partnership, popularly known as LLP combines the advantages of both the Company and Partnership into a single form of organization and offers a ___________ structure.

a)      Homogeneous

b)      Concentration

c)      Separated

d)      Hybrid

Answer: d)

10. The e-commerce market has grown exponentially and evolved as a leading source of the much needed foreign ___________ required by our economy.

a)      Institution

b)      Affair

c)      Investment

d)      Tourist

Answer: c)

Q.1: Bolt from the blue

1. Thundering

2. A complete surprise

3. Inform something bad

4.No idea

Ans .   B

Q.2 : Blue blood
1.Belonging to low class society
2.Give complain in written
3.Member of high class society
4.Complain give verbally

Ans .   C

Q.3 When the Principal entered the class, a student………. on the blackboard.

(a) Wrote

(b) was writing

(c) writes

(d) is writing

Ans .  B

Q.4 She………TV when her husband came.

(a) watch

(b) was watching

(c) is watching

(d) WA

Ans .  B

Q.5 In each of the following questions, find the correctly spelled word.
1. Reannaisance
2. Renaissance
3. Rennaissance
4. Renaisance

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

Ans .  B

Q.6 1. Recommandation

2. Recommendation

3. Recomandation

4. Recomendation

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

Ans .  B

Q.7 : Select Correct Word

A. Aceleration

B. Aceeleration

C. Accelaration

D. Acceleration

Ans .  D

Q.8 : Select Correct Word

A. Agressive

B. Agrressive

C. Aggressive

D. Aggresive

Ans .  C

Question And Answers :-

Q.9 Jawaharlal spent his childhood ______ Anand Bhawan.

(A) at

(B) in

(C) on

(D) across

Ans .   D

Q.10 The boy was cured _____ typhoid.

(A) from

(B) of

(C) for

(D) through

Ans .   B

Q.11 Voracious…..

(A) tenacious

(B) truthful

(C) spacious

(D) ravenous

Ans .   D

Q.12 Abortive…..

(A) fruitful

(B) familiar

(C) unsuccessful

(D) consuming

Ans .   C

Q13. Suguganya got —— as an officer in the State bank of India.

A. appoint

B. appointed

C. appoints

D. appointee

Ans .   B

Q.14. They listened to him —–
A. spellbinded
B. spellbind
C. spellbinding
D. spellbound

Ans .   D

Q.15 Basis
A. bassis
B. bases
C. basises
D. basium

Ans .   B

Q.16 Flower
A. flowes
B. flowers
C. floweris
D. floweries

Ans .   B

Q.1)The Chairman is ill and we’ll have to ……. the meeting for a few days.

a) put on

b) put of

c) put away

d) put off

Answer: d

Q.2) The cat and the dog have a ……. enemy in the rat.


b) common

c) mutual

d) similar

Answer: b

Q.3) He told me that he …….. watching the movie.

a) is finished

b) was finished

c) had finished

d) not finished

Answer: c

Q.4) He is very good …….. making stories.

a) in

b) about

c) at

d) for

Answer: c

Q.5) I do my work …….. carefully to make mistakes.

a) so

b) very

c) too

d) more

Answer: c

Q. Nos. 6-10 ) :In questions choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word :

Q.6) Plausible

a) inplausible

b) unplausible

c) implausible

d) displausible

Answer: (c)

Q.7) Frailty

a) energy

b) intensity

c) vehemence

d) strength

Answer: (d)

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One Liner Related English Grammar Question

Directions (1 – 5): Each of the following sentences is divided into four parts. Any of the parts may contain an error. Select the part that has an error. Select option (d), if you find no error in the sentence. Ignore punctuation errors if any.

Q.1. My sisters-in-law (a)/ who live in Bangalore (b)/ have come to stay with us. (c)/ No error (d)

Answer: a)

Q.2. A woman who always (a)/ connives on the mistakes (b)/ of her children is their worst enemy. (c)/ No error (d)

Answer: b)

Q.3. As the celebration was going (a)/ we noticed Mrs. Sharma fall back (b)/ in her chair gasping for breath. (c)/ No error (d)

Answer: a)

Q.4. Transporting goods by (a)/ air is cheaper (b)/ than land. (c)/ No error (d)

Answer: c)

Q.5. She, you and I (a)/ will manage the (b)/ workflow together. (c)/ No error (d)

Answer: a)

Directions (6 – 10): Choose the option that completes the sentence most meaningfully and appropriately.

Q.6. They recognize that problems that were too big to crack in the past can now be solved precisely because of _____________, algorithms, and sensors.

a)      Amortization

b)      Digitization

c)      Initialization

d)      Localization

Answer: b)

Q.7. According to the last population ____________, globally India has the largest illiterate population.

a)      Agreement

b)      Economy

c)      Census

d)      Consensus

Answer: c)

Q.8. A transparent regulatory environment, clarity on applicability of existing tax Laws, less __________ by State, and minimum restriction or regulation are the key takeaways from the Startup launch.

a)      Interference

b)      Aid

c)      Help

d)      Fund

Answer: a)

Q.9. A Limited Liability Partnership, popularly known as LLP combines the advantages of both the Company and Partnership into a single form of organization and offers a ___________ structure.

a)      Homogeneous

b)      Concentration

c)      Separated

d)      Hybrid

Answer: d)

Q.10. The e-commerce market has grown exponentially and evolved as a leading source of the much needed foreign ___________ required by our economy.

a)      Institution

b)      Affair

c)      Investment

d)      Tourist

Answer: c)

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Author: Deep